Artificial Intelligence in Bespoke Fashion: Revolution or Risk?

Artificial Intelligence in Bespoke Fashion: Revolution or Risk?

By now, you will all have heard about ChatGPT, the AI chatbot that took the world by storm and immediately terrified most of the globe into believing robots would steal their jobs. It’s been the talk of the town for months. But this type of generative AI is only one example of the revolutionary technology we’ve seen emerge in recent years, and it’s not only content that’s affected by the new tech. From predicting trends to personalising shopping experiences, AI is elbowing its way into all sorts of industries.

The fashion industry is no exception. Some estimates suggest that by 2025, the virtual fitting room market could skyrocket to a whopping $6.5 billion, driven by AI tech that lets you try on clothes without leaving your house – or your pyjamas. Meanwhile, 73% of consumers prefer brands that use personal data to make their shopping experiences feel more tailored, and less off-the-rack, courtesy of AI. 

In the bespoke tailoring world, where tradition and craftsmanship reign supreme, the thought of AI might still seem a bit, well, avant-garde. But fear not, we’re keeping a watchful eye on these advancements. When we bring AI into our fold, it will be to enhance, not undermine, our distinguished service.

That said, we can’t help pondering the opportunities and quirks of this cutting-edge technology and how we may be able to blend innovation with our classic touch in the future.

So, let’s dive in.

The rise of AI in fashion

AI in fashion is about much more than just chatbots suggesting the cut and colour of your next blazer. It’s also been around a lot longer than you might think. In the early 2010s, fashion brands started experimenting with basic AI tools for trend forecasting by analysing data from social media, runway shows and shopping habits to predict future trends. Fast forward to today, and AI’s role in fashion has expanded significantly. Brands such as H&M and Zara use AI to manage inventory and streamline supply chains. Even high fashion isn’t immune ­– designers are beginning to use AI to brainstorm new ideas, design patterns, and predict which looks will be next season’s hits.

So, how does this cutting-edge technology align with the bespoke tailoring industry, known for its dedication to tradition, craftsmanship, and personalisation?

The future of AI and bespoke tailoring

Bespoke tailoring, with its emphasis on individualised service and precision, might seem worlds apart from the realm of artificial intelligence, but AI technologies might be able to complement and enhance the bespoke process in several innovative ways:

  • Predicting the next trends: AI can sift through vast sets of data faster than you can say “fashion faux pas”. Major fashion houses are already beginning to leverage these tools to stay ahead of the curve, and this innovation trickles down from the catwalk to bespoke tailoring.
  • Enhanced design precision: When the right technologies have developed, there will be tools that help tailors fine-tune their skills, blending old-school craftsmanship with the latest tech. A fashion-forward fusion of tradition and innovation.
  • Personalised recommendations: The essence of bespoke tailoring lies in its personalised approach; AI could take this to new heights. By analysing customer data, AI can offer tailored recommendations, empowering tailors to suggest fabrics, cuts, and styles that go even further to align with a client’s unique taste.
  • Virtual fitting rooms: While we’re of the opinion that a trip to the tailor is one of man’s greatest joys, there are times when you might find yourself unable to make the trip. In such cases, AI-powered virtual fitting rooms could step in. These advanced tools use 3D modelling and augmented reality to show how different styles and fits would look on your body, without trying on the actual garments.
  • Sustainable practices: Bespoke tailoring is inherently more sustainable than much of the fashion industry due to its focus on quality and longevity. However, AI can further enhance these sustainable practices by optimising fabric usage and calculating the most efficient ways to cut patterns. AI may also be able to assist in sourcing sustainable materials and tracking their environmental impact.
  • AI-driven creativity: AI is already becoming a designer’s best friend, offering tools to generate fresh ideas and amplify creativity. It’s like having an extra brain (without the ego) to help innovate and push creative boundaries, all while preserving the unique touch and artistry of bespoke craftsmanship.

What’s the drawback?

One of our main concerns is maintaining the personal touch and artisanal quality that bespoke tailoring is famous for. AI can assist with precision and efficiency, but it cannot replace the human expertise and craftsmanship that define bespoke tailoring. Then, there is the issue of data privacy. Collecting and analysing customer data is a cornerstone of AI’s capabilities, but it raises concerns about how this data is stored and used. Tailors must ensure that they are compliant with data protection regulations and that they maintain the trust of their clients.


While AI is already making strides in the fashion industry, its potential in bespoke tailoring is just beginning to be realised. As AI technology continues to evolve, it will offer even more sophisticated tools to enhance the bespoke tailoring process. The question isn’t if, but when. Watch this space, gents!

Author: Gary Sweeney